The ultimate aim of case management in the FLO context, is for young people to be engaged through an individualised service which supports them to actively and purposely address the social and emotional issues that act as barriers to them engaging in a meaningful learning or earning pathway. An overview of case management outcomes are described below and in chart form.
- Case management for living
A young person is supported through the FLO case management framework for ‘living’ when a case manager: - identifies the young person’s specific health and wellbeing needs as they impact on their ability to engage in learning and transitioning to a learning to work pathway
- assists them in practical ways to ensure that these needs are met
- identifies appropriate services and supports as required, which may include support such as purchasing course work requirements and referral to other agencies and service providers, for example Health, Drug and Alcohol Services, etc
- provides practical assistance as required, such as negotiating and accessing Centrelink and other benefits, and accompanying the young person to medical or other appointments or, where this is not practical or possible, making appropriate arrangements for them
- keeps a case file on each young person they work with, including a case plan (Flexible Learning and Transition Plan or FL&TP), progress notes, assessment of needs and required support, referrals, etc
- maintains regular communication with the school and other professional staff; the student’s parent/caregiver (where age appropriate); the local FLO Program Manager; and other service providers/agencies.
Case management for learning
FLO recognises that engagement and attainment in learning are a key outcome sought for our students. A young person is supported through the FLO case management framework for ‘learning’ when a case manager assists a young person to:
- explore skill development for literacy and numeracy
- participate in accredited, quality, school or community-based learning programs
- develop and maintain their FL&TP.
Case management for transitions
A young person is supported through the FLO case management framework for ‘transitions’ when case management has a focus on:
- coaching and goal setting for future life and career pathways