Learning Support


Students who have been identified by DECD as Students with Disabilities, have time allocated for curriculum support. They have a Negotiated Education Plan, NEP. Student Services Officer, SSO, time is directed to those eligible and provided in the inclusive environment of the classroom.


A special class for Students with Disabilities was established in 2000. Admission to this class is through a process involving an assessment by DECD psychologists and Special Educators in negotiation with students and parents.
There is a modified academic curriculum in all areas of study. The curriculum focus is on extending basic literacy and numeracy skills for functional academic activities related to social independence. Post school pathways are introduced which encourage students to be involved in supported participation in the workforce or open employment.
Students participate in:
Literacy – Formal/ Informal language in writing/ Communication skills/ Grammar
Numeracy – Money skills/ Budgeting/ Time/ Measurement/ Daily routine
Life Science/ Life Skills – Social Skills/ Agriculture/ Cows Create Careers/ Biological Sciences
Work Education – Skill’s Development- Communication/ Teamwork/ Problem solving/ Planning and OrganisingLearning Support 2

All programs aim to teach the skills needed in order to become independent learners, and ready for work and community life.
